Monday, November 17, 2008


Ugh. Please help me understand, because I don't.

Boy and girl dated. They dated for 3 or 4 months. Boy never kissed girl. This is not a situation that this particular girl often (if ever) found herself in, but boy brought her to numerous family functions, held her hand in public, contacted her daily, etc... Girl believed she was in some sort of a relationship, however not serious it may have been.

Girl moved away, she now lived 30 minutes from boy.

Boy dropped her like its hot.

Girl was fine. She still enjoyed his company when she saw him through mutual friends and such, but they did not maintain contact or have much to do with one another.

Ok, so clearly I am "girl" in this story. I am sick of telling the story that way, I am just going to tell it like it is. So I see this boy and a group of his friends at a group function a while back and took a liking to one of his friends. This friend is cute and fun and funny and I would be interested in spending more time with him. We began speaking on FB when we were both online. He asked for my number and suggested that we hang out. All was well, I thought. Then.... NOTHING. No call, no text, no talking to me when we are both on facebook. I was left scratching my head, wondering to what I owed this sudden loss of interest. Also wondering if I had imagined the interest to begin with, but I am not really that kind of girl, I am sure that I didn't.

Meanwhile, a friend of mine became interested in BOY from before. They met at this same group function. I told her she should date him; he is a great guy and clearly things didn't catch fire with him and I, so why not?

She talked to a few of his friends and arranged a get together for a weekend night. The cute fun friend of boy's that I had thought I may want to date was present and very inattentive and uninterested. Oh well, I thought.

As the night progressed, I began to pick up on a random display of affection from BOY. He went as far as to hold my hand, play with my hair and tickle my arm while we all sat chatting. I didn't know quite what to do, as my friend had put this whole gathering together to try and catch his eye... but I just went with it.

I am thinking that BOY must be a bit territorial and must have put the kibosh on the flirtings between his friend and I. I cannot for the life of me figure why. The chances of us dating again are very slim. It never got off the ground in the first place. Why, then, does he feel the need to keep me from cute fun friend and him from me????!

I am exhausted of men. I am content to chill with my fellow Venus dwellers and forget the whole thing, now that I have released my frustrations to the world wide web.


Kylee said...

Lame, lame, lame. I'm sorry for all of the trouble. You won't think twice about it when the boy of your dreams comes any minute. Love you!

The Wimmer 5 said...

Loser. (?) I'm all about confrontation in a sitch like this. I mean, you like 'em, you kiss 'em and he didn't do that so... Call him up or talk to him and say "What the french, toast?" "I mean you had your chance and didn't take it so don't be messing with my life and everyone else's now."

Do you feel like you may be interested at all now or are you past it. Either way, I think confrontation is in order. That's my vote.